Due to the federally-mandated Real ID requirements, our facilities and website have been overwhelmed with requests for Real IDs. As a result, we’re asking everyone to make sure they really need a REAL ID before booking an appointment or visiting a facility. The May 7th date is NOT a final deadline and everyone can travel with a valid U.S. Passport. If you are unable to get an appointment for Real ID, please visit a walk-in Real ID Saturday DMV or the new walk-in Real ID Only Supercenter at 191 N Clark St, Chicago. Thank you.
Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias with a winner of the Illinois' Letters About Literature contest.

Welcome to the Office of the Illinois Secretary of State

Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias with a winner of the Illinois' Letters About Literature contest.

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Ethics and transparency are essential to good government. On Day One, Secretary Giannoulias issued a comprehensive Executive Ethics Order that sets the bar to adhere to the highest ethical standards in state government.

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The Illinois Secretary of State's office is the largest of its kind in the nation and serves residents across the state. To do that, we need motivated doers and innovative thinkers looking for opportunities to work and to thrive. Join us!

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The Illinois State Capitol buliding in Springfield Illinois.